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2020年8月中保育翠華最大招牌工程的首條官方短片The 1st official short documentary of our Tsui Wah Neon Sign Conservation


Please scroll down for English version. 風暴襲港,相信今天不少人也因此留在家中,最適合觀賞有關我們早前在8月中保育位於白加士街翠華最大招牌工程的首條官方短片,讓大

家都能較近距離並從多角度多些了解工程不同部份, 有如親臨現場般體驗及感受當晚情況。

我們<霓虹交滙>及參與人士非常重視此工程,而單此短片亦得來不易,當睌全賴Fallout Media 4名專業攝影師Richie Fowler, Andrew Lang, Edwin Lee 及 Sherman Mak 各出奇謀去捕捉一瞬即逝不能重來的所有一剎那,再把精華濃縮呈現於大家面前,以心血來形容確不為過。如片尾呼籲,你們多分享我們機構及工作絶對有助我們保育霓虹招牌文化。當越多人得悉我們的工作,我們的工作便變得較容易,這實在也有賴大家幫忙轉貼!


Many of us have the luxury to stay home today due to tropical cyclone Nangka, which gives us the best opportunity to enjoy the first official short documentary of our Tsui Wah Neon Sign Conservation Project. It allows us to learn more about parts of the works that evening at closer distance. The multi-angle approach also helps us immerse ourselves in the experience as if we were present ourselves.

This project is our first brainchild, which shows our unsurpassed commitment to Hong Kong neon. Capturing the precious details and fleeting moments that evening was no walk in the park. The 4 professional videographers Richie Fowler, Andrew Lang, Edwin Lee and Sherman Mak from Fallout Media tirelessly hunted high and low for the best angles at the right time from dusk till dawn. Together with the meticulously selected and edited content, we now can present to you the essence of the evening (it is only the beginning).

As we put at the end of the documentary, you sharing us and our work effectively support what we do. The more known our work becomes, the easier it will be for us. We are counting on you to share our posts/ news!

We hope everyone (especially the ones that still need to work outdoor) and the neon signs in the city can stay safe in the storms!

(All rights reserved)




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