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Christopher Doyle and Hong Kong Neon


(English version can be found below) 相信很多人也看過杜可風先生有份參與過的電影,霓虹在其不少作品中是一重要元素,在他鏡頭及文筆下,霓虹不單襯托故事,它本身也是故事,是有生命的。



Many of us have undoubtedly seen the movies that Mr. Christopher Doyle 杜可風 took part as a cinematographer and/ or filmmaker. In many of them, neon was an vital element.

Through his lens and words, neon not only helps depict stories or create certain ambience, it itself is also the story, with life.

Hong Kong neon has left a mark on Christopher on a personal level when he first set foot in this city. Be it an inspiration or stimulus, HK neon helped the young Christopher stay driven. Now being an established filmmaker, Christopher has never forgotten about this 'old-timer' friend. He is one of the local veterans to explain the significance and uniqueness of HK neon and its culture.

Despite his busy schedules, he always tries to find time to support neon-related projects so HK neon can have a higher chance to stay and touch more lives with its beauty.

You can adopt Christopher's ways of supporting HK neon, for example, by backing Pascal's Hong Kong Neon project so at least some of the HK neon signs that we have sadly lost since 2012 can live on and be appreciated through this documentation, in Europe and other corners of the earth.




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