What made a Swiss photographer/ film maker who was not even based in Hong Kong to come to the city each year for 7 consecutive years at his own expense? Apart from our architecture, it was our neon signs, which he describes to TNX as ‘my 2nd obsession of HK’.
It is no secret that HK neon has inspired countless artists around the world for decades. But even when outdoor neon signs have been fading out from our streets, their impacts remain and continue to lure talents into the city. Pascal is one of them and admits to TNX that his HK neon journey has all begun with Wong Kar Wai’s movie In the Mood For Love.
While being in the city to make his own unique visual record of HK architecture, which later became his last published book ‘Hong Kong, Perspectives, Prospectives, Typologies’ https://www.pascalgreco.com/hong-kong, Pascal tried to go on neon hunt in different districts. First with his canon digital camera that he soon felt dissatisfied with, he switched to his own limited inventory of Polaroid and Fuji films that were already discontinued.
Between 2012 and 2019, Pascal took more than 300 photos of HK neon signs and around 170 of them are now handpicked for this book ‘Hong Kong Neon’. As its title clearly suggests, it is a tribute to HK neon and the people behind it. And of course, Hong Kong too. Our neon signs once again, come to life in those stunning photos.
We TNX were approached by Pascal and now we have the honour to directly collaborate with him on realising this book, as our way of thanking him for supporting HK neon and people behind it:- https://www.kickstarter.com/proj.../164571421/hong-kong-neon
His Kickstarter campaign only lasts for 30 days so the clock is ticking. Don’t wait for too long. You can make it happen. TNX can only do more for it if the book can successfully go to print.
We will share more soon so stay tuned! In the meantime, please help share the news.
Disclaimer: We TNX will not be involved in the fund raised.
一位瑞士攝影師,非以香港為基地,有何因由令他連續7年間每年都自費來港拍攝呢? 除了香港獨特的建築外,我們的戶外霓虹招牌亦是其背後驅使他有此決定的動力。他向我們<霓虹交滙>形容霓虹是他第二種令他着迷的香港事物。
在他於香港以其獨特手法為城中建築留影的同時 (大家可以在此找到他有關的相集‘Hong Kong, Perspectives, Prospectives, Typologies’ https://www.pascalgreco.com/hong-kong),Pascal亦開始到各區搜尋霓虹招牌。他最初用數碼相機拍攝,但他不滿意效果並決定轉用他私人珍藏的Polaroid及富士的菲林(已相繼停產)作記錄。
他於2012至2019年間,總共拍攝了不下300幅霓虹照,現把當中令他滿意的大約170幅輯錄於此相集,並名為Hong Kong Neon。顧名思義,此相集是獻給香港霓虹及背後從業人士,當然還有香港。在Pascal的鏡頭下,我們的霓虹招牌生命力再一次躍然於他的相紙上。
我們TNX深感榮幸Pascal主動與我們接觸,令我們可以和他合作協助譲此相集成真,以表達我們對他給香港霓虹的支持予以感謝: https://www.kickstarter.com/proj.../164571421/hong-kong-neon
